So, progress continues to be slow but there are
definite steps forward that have been made in the last couple of weeks. In this photo you can see Leigh standing in the
basement of the old part of the house. Just to the right of Leigh is where the bulkhead will be and to the left you can see the new wall and supports that are holding up the house. What's missing you might wonder? We'll the old foundation is missing...

In order to dig the basement in the new part of the
house deeper, it was important to remove the old side and back foundation walls which were field stone -- really really large
field stone. So over the last couple weeks Mark and Rocky have been supporting the house so that when the old foundation was removed, it wouldn't
collapse. To that end, the middle of the wall was removed and a cement footing was poured (see middle of this photo). On top of the cement footing they built a wall of pressure treated lumber that is now supporting the middle of the house.

Part two was then removing more of the foundation wall and inserting the post to the right of this photo. It is on top of a cement footing as well. We weren't there when this was
happening but we think that they used the excavator was used to prop up the house while the post was being put in place,

At this point, we believe that we may be ready to start putting the forms in for the foundation but we're note sure...there's still plenty of work to be done in the old part of the house, including windows, roof, rebuild of chimney.

Think we'll be in by end of July?
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