It's discouraging when you have a day close to the end of the project when almost nothing gets done. We're trying really hard to get Hector into the house to get the floors done. Before he does that the plumbers need to be out of the second floor -- they were supposed to be out of there today. But for some reason they were only able to work a short day and managed to get the shower fixtures in -- that's it. So we're another day behind.

Does anyone else think those posts are HUGE?

Here's the photo of the guest bath -- nice
fixtures -- I'm not sure why the plumber roughed in the shower heads so low. I guess it must be to code but if I was any taller than 6 feed, I'd have to crane my head back to get my hair wet -- you know like when you stay in a 1970's hotel and you have to bend your knees to take a shower. It's not that bad but I wish they had given us a little extra height here.

You can see that the sink is waiting for

Guest bath toilet -- the plumber made another interesting choice here too - he did a 13" rough in -- this means that the standard 12" rough in toilet sits an inch off the wall --
weird. The toilet is made to be snug against the wall -- like all other plumbers have signatures? Could the 13' rough in be this plumbers signature?

Master Bath toilet.

Master bath shower fixtures -- low shower head.

Alas -- when we do our next house we'll be able to address all of these issues...
These posts ARE huge, I agree! It has been really great to read along during your adventure. Everything looks great. I love the last comment too, there is always the "next house" right!